Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Modi research group: New York State uses more energy than SSA

The Modi Research Group at Columbia University recently presented an interactive map representing the total annual building energy consumption for New York City. Users can view estimated data available at the block level.
In an interview with Metropolis, Professor Modi pointed out that: “Midtown Manhattan has more energy use than the whole country of Kenya, and New York state uses more energy than all of sub-Saharan Africa.” The research group also works on energy and development, often in collaboration with the Millennium Villages Project.


  1. It seems that New York needs to learn how to use renewable energy. They can hire foreign services, like the solar panel installation from Perth, so they can utilize the unlimited source of energy; SUNLIGHT. Just think of all the advantages they'll get from that.

    1. I agree to that, Justin. It's even more convenient because you'll use the same old electrical components at home; you'll just shift to a better power source. Aside from being renewable, sunlight is better in terms of availability. That makes it cheaper.

      Glenn Todd

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